





"Rajina Rimal", rich lady of the sweet voice, is also presented at the D cine awards on last Wednesday. She sang a song of the new movie Allbida at that program with musican and singer Taraprakash Limbu. But Rimla cannot give the good performance as her co-singer Limbu. Rejina not only forget the Lyrics but also fails in the good voice. Inspite of this, Rejina sang a lots of hit songs. She have also numbers of fans. Many singers haven't good voice but they are popular because of their stage performance. Due to this Rejina have to do better perforamnce at stage like as her voice. Jindagiko dui pal" is the song of new movie Allbida. In this song, vocal is given by Rejina Rimal and Taraprakash Limbu. The movie is about the relationship of hindu and muslim youths.

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