In fact of the releasing date is nearer of the movie "jindagi rocks", its unit released the new song. The song titled "lakhar lakhar" was released firstly and secondly they released "thaa chaina malai" on sunday by youtube. In this lovely song, Shauramraj Tuladhar, Akesha bista and Sonam pakhrin are featuring. Lyrics, music and vocal are given by Sanjit shrestha. This video is three minutes long which shows the romantic scenes of Akesha with her co-star Shauram. The movie "Jindagi Rocks" is about social and entertainment story which is directed by Nikesh khadka. The story of the film also include the time of youths and thier lifestyle as well as habits.
In this movie, not only those stars, but also Richa sharma, Prakriti shrestha, Makan rai, Binod mainali, Bikki pulami, and acton director Rajendra khadgi are played. This movie is made under the banner of D-production. Devendra Raj Tuladhar and Sujita Shrestha are the producer and Hari Humagain as a cinematographer. The movie is realeasing all over the country on 2nd Janauary.
"Thaa chaina malai"- Jindagi rocks